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Cumberland Valley Softball Association

Cumberland Valley Softball Association

Coaches Corner

Coaches Corner is a new tool for CV Softball Coaching Community - Tips and guidelines to help understand rules and regulations. See the drop down list on this tab for information regarding your team's age group.

Current Year Approved Volunteers

Click on the link below to review the current approved / cleared volunteers list:

Player Lineup Sheet

HERE for a copy of the Player Lineup Sheet. This lineup sheet must be used for all 6U and 8U games.  It is highly recommend for other age groups as well.

CV Softball Field Notes

Click HERE for information on setting up fields for games, as well as field maintenance after each practice/game.

Thunder & Lightning Policy

If you see lightning, the game/practice needs to be suspended. 
If you hear thunder the game/practice needs to be suspended. 

Each suspension is for 30 minutes after the last sight of lightning or sound of thunder.  Below is an excerpt from the ASA rule Book. We follow guidelines established by both ASA softball and the PIAA for both junior high and high school sports.

If activity has been suspended due to lightning or thunder, the designated weather watcher should wait at least 30 minutes after the last lightning flash or sound of thunder prior to resuming activity.  Each time additional lightning is observed or thunder is heard, the minimum 30-minute waiting period should be reset.  A clear sky or lack of rainfall are not adequate indicators for resuming play.  The minimum 30-minute return-to-play waiting period should not be shortened. Play should not be resumed even after the 30-minute waiting period if any signs of thunderstorm activity remain in the area or if the weather forecast indicates the threat is not over.

If you have any questions please contact your age division coordinator or a CV Softball board member.  Your game umpire is aware of these guidelines.

Point of Emphasis - When it comes to player safety the HEAD COACH needs to make sure the inclement weather guideline is ALWAYS followed.  Your opposing coaches and umpires are required to follow the same procedures.  Most of us grew up when we needed to SEE lightning to stop a game.  Today's procedures are much more strict.

Game Cancellations (10U, 12U, and 14U) - HOME GAMES Only! 

All Spring HOME game cancellations MUST be made prior to 4pm in order to notify umpires.
(Away games are handled by the home team)

All Fall HOME game cancellations MUST be made prior to 11am on Sunday for Sunday games.
(Away games are handled by the home team)

In the event of a need to cancel a home game, you
MUST notify CV's scheduling team immediately by notifying the following people by either via text message or phone call:
         Rob George (717) 418-3777
                 [email protected]

When sending a text message or leaving a voicemail, please provide the following information:
- Age Group & Head Coach (Include your team number)
- Opponent - with team number
- Location & Field
- Date & Time of Game

Please be sure you send a text message and receive a response before assuming your game will be cancelled. 

You MUST also coordinate all game cancellations with the opposing coach immediately.  

All game cancellations should be rescheduled within 48 hours (do not have to be played, just scheduled).  Contact the field scheduling team
Rob George ([email protected]) and Mark Yasenchak ([email protected]) and
CC Julia Mentzer-Yarlett ([email protected]). to secure a new field for home games once you have a date and to secure the umpires.

Requesting a Field for Rainouts, Rescheduling or Additional Practices

All field requests are to be made via email to CV's scheduling team: Rob George ([email protected]) and Mark Yasenchak ([email protected]) and
CC Julia Mentzer-Yarlett ([email protected]).

In the event of a rain out for a game, you MUST contact the opposing coach within 48 hours, determine a new date and time, and notify CV's scheduling team immediately so we can secure a field and an umpire.

If you are changing the date or a time of a game for any other reason, you must also notify CV's scheduling team by Friday at 12pm of the preceding week so an umpire can be canceled and/or secured for your game. You must attempt to make-up every game scheduled.

T-Ball and 8U will play makeup games for rain outs on Sunday afternoons during the Spring Season. The league will schedule these rain outs the day of the rain out and notify coaches. You must a make-up every game scheduled.

Additional practice dates can be requested beginning the Friday of the preceding week you would like to schedule a practice during.  If you schedule a practice you are expected to keep that date once you schedule it. If you have to cancel a requested practice notify us ASAP.

When making your request please list what your priority is first in your email.
     a.  If you desire a time then request that and we will try to accommodate that time, or as close to that time as possible.
     b.  If you desire a location then request your field first.


Team Management Apps: Dick's Team Manager

Positive Coaching Alliance:
Tips for the First-Time Coach

Little League University: 
 Backyard Tips
Softball Base Running: The Circle Rule Explained


Cumberland Valley Softball Association
4902 Carlisle Pike PMB 361 
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17050

Email: [email protected]

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